What I specialise in

Psychological counseling
Most personal, relationship or identity problems can be addressed through psychological counseling.
This is a form of a helping relationship, which aims to accompany you during temporary moments of difficulty or during existential transition phases in life. Be it within the family or a specific relationship, at work, with yourself or situations that can create disorientation. It allows greater awareness of your situation and helps to activate personal resources to improve your quality of life.
As a psychologist, I will intervene by asking questions or observations that help you to consider the problem from other angles, valuing both the family and environmental context in which you live. In turn, this will prompt your emotional and cognitive resources in order to address specific problems moving towards the solution.
I offer you a protected space, where active listening, an empathetic and welcoming attitude, genuine, congruent and non-judgmental communication are the basic relational ingredients. Together we can look at your situation from a new perspective, open to hypotheses of new solutions, which can translate into real opportunities for growth and evolution.
Ultimately, the objective of the psychological counseling process is the achievement of specific objectives that you set.
Culture shock: expat life
While it may seem appealing to live an adventurous life, being an expat comes with its own trials and tribulations.
Moving and living abroad is a process: we need to learn to live and adapt to a new culture. This can be both challenging and exciting all in the same breath. Faced with overwhelming feelings of homesickness, frustration, irritation and depression, daily tasks become a real mission.
Fear of failure and anxiety can be all consuming, leaving you disorientated.
​To overcome these feelings, you will be given concrete, tangible tools and skills that can be put into immediate use and set you on your way to a happier life.
Do not be afraid to ask for help if this starts to affect your personal life:
• Anxiety / Stress / Burn out
• Loneliness
• Decision making
• Work-Life imbalance
• Worrying
• Mid-life crisis
• Home-sickness
The pursuit of happiness
Happiness is the purpose of life, it is the joy of becoming oneself, the blossoming of the person.
A positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it would bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing.
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your environment and the people around you. If this attitude is strong enough, it becomes contagious. It’s as if you radiate light around you.
My task, as a psychologist, is precisely to help with the realization of your happy dimension, something that lasts over time, which does not end in an instant. The fear of being happy is an obstacle to any path of awareness, and removing this fear through counseling is the most effective tool to activate your “positive resources” to implement that change that will lead you to overcome the obstacles that interfere with self-improvement and realization.
Active Listening
Active, attentive, profound listening is considered to be the only truly essential "ingredient" for a counseling meeting to take place.
There are rare situations in which you can be truly listened to, in which the other is at your disposal with all of himself, without interrupting, without intervening with comments, judgments, or with the testimony of one's own experience.
Offering you my total attention, outside of ordinary contexts - in which one is often bound by roles and conventions – will have surprising effects: empathic listening creates the space in which you can let off steam by expressing yourself freely, reformulate the discourse and your experience in different terms. Listening in psychological counseling is not passive listening, it is paying attention to the client's verbal and non-verbal messages, feelings and thoughts. It is listening to what the client says, how they say it and also what they don't say.
Listening with the heart, means welcoming, it is a silent and discreet way of making the other feel that "it is fine as it is". A space is created in which it is possible to expose one's sensitivity and vulnerability, in which one can find one's values ​​and one's life project.